A group called Visit Milwaukee has put together almost $57,000 of the $85,000 needed to bring a life-size bronze statue of Arthur Fonzarelli to downtown. With plans to unveil the statue next October, your help is CRITICAL!! The coolness factor for the state of Wisconsin would be off the charts with such a structure in our presence!! Think of the children and give 'til it hurts!! Check out the details: http://www.bronzethefonz.com/
Someone told us the Packers actually beat the Lions on Thanksgiving?!? Too bad Jon had an extra serving of denial pie with his dinner...at least the soccer game was good, if only a bit dangerous: Crazy Football Fan - Watch more funny videos here
Rarely when the neighborhood comedian says, "oooooooo...that's gonna leave a mark" does the event/act in question actually leave a mark. The Lions loss yesterday left a mark. My spirit is tattered today as the Thanksgiving countdown continues. If only it were the year 2012, the world would have ended already and I wouldn't have to live with the funky stench of loserville...http://survive2012.com/. These dudes are serious. To make matters worse, the NFL (who has final say in all of these decisions, not the individual team or venue) announced that The Goo Goo Dolls (http://www.googoodolls.com/) would be providing the halftime entertainment for this years game. THE GOO GOO DOLLS?!?!? In Detroit?!?!? Hey, nothing says Motown Sound like The Goos, know what I'm sayin'? Let's pull up a chair and try not to regurgitate Grandma's special cranberry cobbler while these clowns are strutting around Ford Field. Come on, man! Look at these dudes! How about Hanson for next year? Let's see if Menudo or Musical Youth have reunited by then!
Anyway, as the search begins for that blood pressure medication, we've found this further proof that a Detroit Lions fight song actually exists. I only hope Mary sings it so nicely after the Lions defeat the Packers on Thursday:
It's November 15th, the 31st annual Great American Smokeout... that precious day when smokers nationwide hang their lungs by the chimney with care in the hopes that St. Oxygen will soon be there. We've come up with some tunes to help you celebrate:
Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple
Smokin' in the Boy's Room - Motley Crue
Holy Smoke - Iron Maiden
No Cure For Cancer - Denis Leary
Have any more? Let us know....
Do you recognize this arm?
The Packers are on the lookout for the man(?) who took 'Lambeau Leap' to mean 'Lambeau Lapdance' following this touchdown catch by Ruvell Martin. Fellow wide receiver Donald Driver channeled Hank Hill, saying, "what happened to Ruvell just ain't right." Although the Packers were playing Minnesota, and we all know what happened at the Minneapolis airport, insiders close to the investigation insist Senator Larry Craig is not a suspect.
======================================= Last thing we tracked down for you this morning are the words to the Detroit Lions fight song. This is significant only because our beloved Mary will be singing this tune live on-air should Jon's Lions somehow beat the Packers on Thanksgiving Day. Make sure you print a copy for yourself so that you too can sing along or at least see that Mary gets the words right:
(Verse) Hail the colors Blue and Silver let them wave. Sing their song and cheer the Gridiron Heroes brave,Fighting for fame, winning the game,Dashing to victory as they go. (Chorus) Forward down the field, A charging team that will not yield. And when the Blue and Silver wave, Stand and cheer the brave. Rah, Rah, Rah. Go hard, win the game. With honor you will keep your fame.Down the field and gain, A Lion victory!
Now maybe Hughes didn't exactly have Jon & Mary in the Morning in mind when he penned that epic, and/or maybe I just made it up. All the same, here we are! Our first blog entry! Tell the 20th century we've moved on! All of Dick Clark's balls have finally dropped and it's time to face the future!
[ed. note--the initial draft of this 'Blog Debut' is being written by Jon, the male half of Jon & Mary in the Morning and the one who uses way too many exclamation points. Mary would have been here but she's still under the impression that we're writing a 'Blob' and was offended by the misinterpreted commentary on her womanly physique.]
As we move forward, let's pledge to keep it real, keep it fresh and keep it clean. Remember, without YOU, we're just sitting here talking to ourselves...and we do enough of that every weekday morning. So check back often and feedback at your leisure. (Just please try to say it, don't spray it. We're not responsible for computer damage.)
Courtesy of Jon & Mary in the Morning, we leave you with this Thanksgiving appetizer:
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