The final day of April and the first birthday we've felt the need to celebrate in a while...happy 76th to the great Willie Nelson. He hits the road for a few dates this summer with Bob Dylan, including July 1 at Summerfest.Weekend Buzz brought a visit from Shelia at The Paine Art Center. Check out the fun for the first weekend in May (!) at our online Community Calendar.So what's the deal with that "gut instinct" you sometimes have? Dr. Larry Dossey sensed our interest in his new book, The Power of Premonitions, and stopped by to tell us about it.Brian Carter talked seafood and how to save big on a shrimp boil this summer, then our K107.1 Financial Guru Jan Picard gave us the 9th Stupid Thing Smart People Do With Their Money.
Cute Couple ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mel Gibson stepped out with his new girlfriend last night for the Wolverine premiere. It seems the new romance has really brought out Cher's inner glow, no? Oh wait...that's not Cher. It's the chick that used to chase Rocky & Bullwinkle around the neighborhood. Hot.Marian University in Fond du Lac holds its annual Sabre Run/Walk this weekend. For details on how to get your Saturday sweat on, contact the FDL Running Club or the Marian athletic department.Dr. Donnica Moore, known as Dr. Donnica on The Today Show, The View, and Oprah, chatted about her latest book...Women's Health for Life. User friendly, tons of illustrations, and now available in stores. Check out Theo's in downtown Fond du Lac this Friday night for live music from Nashville R&B artist Kira Small. Kira hails from Milwaukee and recently released Love In A Dangerous World. (Little does she know it's the love that makes the world dangerous in the first place.)Matt Whitfield from Yahoo! TV made another visit to talk American Idol. The final 5. Tension you could cut with a knife...and then feed to Ruben Studdard. Find Matt's blog on all things Idol and TV at
Question of the Day (so far): When did Mary-Kate Olson decide to start dressing like and/or become Ozzy Osborne? Was this part of a reality show that we missed? She's even got that shaky, trembling, incontinent look on her face that Ozzy is famous for. Hot.A new release Tuesday finds the new album from Bob Dylan, Together Through Life in stores. On DVD, pick up Bride Wars or Hotel for Dogs. Tough choice, we know.He's Blue Collar & Proud Of Joe Lamacchia calls himself an average, hard-working American and wants to take away the stigma of working a regular blue collar job. Joe's website provides more info and resources for anyone considering a career in skilled trades.K107.1 numerologist Tania Gabrielle stopped by and took your phone calls about all things number-related. How do your numbers affect your life now and in the future? Check out Tania online for her FREE Celebrity Numerology Newsletter.
No, thank YOU for being a friend... (on a very disturbing side note, while surfing the internet to find this picture of the late Bea Arthur, we came across a photo of her with no shirt on. like, naked Maude. breakfast almost made an encore, so proceed with caution.)Organization maven Jamie Novak gave us the motivation to start our belated spring cleaning. Jamie's website has a ton of advice and her latest book, The Get Organized Answer Book is now in stores.Mother's Day is now less than two weeks away. Find out how we can help you Charm Your Mom just in time for the big day with a stack of fabulous prizes.Author David Yeadon took us on a tour of one of the lesser known destinations across the pond. His latest book, At the Edge of Ireland: Seasons on the Beara Peninsula details his travels in words and pictures.
With highs expected to be in the low to mid-80s this afternoon, there's no time like NOW to bust out that thong you abandoned last fall. C'mon...blow the dust off and saddle up, cowboy!Lisa Nichols has inspired millions with her two books in the Chicken Soul for the Soul series. No Matter What! 9 Steps to Living the Life You Want is the name of her new volume, and presents the only plan you need to live the life you deserve (thongs optional).The Horse Boy details author Rupert Isaacson's quest to heal his autistic son. It's the connection between the boy and the neighbor's horse that brings him around and begins the "adventure of a lifetime." The book has also been made into a film, chosen as an official selection for the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.Our movie maven Tony Meade stopped by to talk all things Beyonce, star of the new movie Obsessed. You'll also catch Fighting and The Soloist in theaters this weekend.
Once you recover from your Earth Day hangover, don't forget to celebrate today's Take Our Daughters to Work Day!! In honor of the occasion, Rihanna took Katy Perry to work with her at the jetski rental shop....muy caliente!Weekend Buzz took us around the South Valley for the big events this weekend. The Frederic Remington exhibition continues at The Paine, and you'll also find a few other pleasant diversions at our K107.1 Community Calendar.The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist is the new book from Matt Baglio. Is it just like the movies? Head spinning and projectile vomiting? It's actually a bit scarier than that, says Matt. Try live toads jumping out of your mouth and turning into snot. Yikes.Dr. Sherwin Nuland gave us a look inside The Soul of Medicine: Tales From the Bedside. It's the 14th book in Dr. Nuland's distinguished career, and you'll find it online right here.
Earth Day indeed. At right you'll notice a picture of Mother Earth taken from space. That's actually the satellite view of Jon's hometown of Detroit. See how clean it looks? See how dirty Canada looks in comparison? Way to go, Motown!Dr. Harold Urschel gave us a look at his new book, Healing the Addicted Brain. Dr. Urschel says the way we treat addiction should be similar to treatment for any biological condition, from diabetes to asthma. His book is now available in stores and online.So what can you do to celebrate this Earth Day? How about adopting a reduce/reuse/recycle lifestyle? Anneli Rufus offers a handbook for this growing movement, The Scavenger' Manifesto. Save your Earth, Save your Money, Save your Soul!Tomorrow is officially Take Our Daughters To Work Day and the founder of that holiday (is it really a holiday?) joined us to talk about her new book, Stepping Out of Line. Nell Merlino has lessons for women of all ages at her website. The Service League of FDL's Tour of Fashion is coming up next Wednesday, April 29th. Call 920-922-7428 for tickets.
Why, it looks like there might be just enough of the white stuff out there to build us a right proud companion for the front yard! As if it weren't bad enough that we had to live through one snowman death already this year...New release Tuesday finds Frost/Nixon and The Wrestler in stores, along with the soundtrack to 17 Again.If you missed the details on the missing Ronald McDonald statue, click here. If you know Ronny Mac's whereabouts, call the Kimberly CrimeStoppers at 920-788-9090. A grateful community thanks you.Dr. Lisa Masterson gave us the details on National Infertility Awareness Week, which just so happens to be next week (already?! seems like we were just celebrating NIAW 2008). For more details, visit Josh Gracin plays Marian University next week, sure to be a rootin' tootin' good time.On the day after Columbine's 10th anniversary, author and founder of Community Matters, Rick Phillips gave us a look at what's changed and what hasn't inside our schools over the last decade. Find the numbers and facts at Rick's website.
Besides being Hitler's birthday (b. 1889), the 10th anniversary of the Columbine tragedy, Patriot's Day and the official Stoner's Holiday (420 dude)'s also Mrs. Carson's birthday. As in, Jon's dear sweet mother. We mention this on the .00000000000000000001% chance that she actually reads this blog.Sgt. Ryan Waldschmidt from the FDL County Sheriff's Office stopped by to give us the details on a community-wide electronics recycling event. Anyone interested in dropping off TVs, cell phones, toasters, or anything else that plugs into a wall can do so this Saturday from 9am-3pm at the City of FDL recycling center on Doty Street.Former merchant marine Darryl Hagar talked about his days as the captain of an oil tanker and dealing with real-life pirates on the high seas. Darryl's solutions to the pirate problem and his book, The Man Overboard are yours at his website.K107.1's resident psychic medium, Susan Anderson made her monthly visit to take a look at who might be near you and what the future holds for all of us. As always, Susan and her daughter Christine are available for private readings and teach the Inner Journey Series to students nationwide.
A friend of ours recently added to his collection of "finger tats." Check out this picture and see if you can tell what doesn't belong. Jesus and Mary? They're fine. Cross and rose? Fine. We'll even spot you the Che and the Marx tattoos. But Pepe le Pew? Betty Boop? Dude, these are YOUR FINGERS!! The only ones you will EVER HAVE!! C'mon man, now you're making us all look bad.Don't forget, tomorrow is the day to GO GREEN and SAVE GREEN with The Outlet Shoppes at Oshkosh and K107.1. Hop over to our website for details and we'll see you there.Julie Chrystyn is the author of The Secret to Life Transformation: How to Claim Your Desitny Now! To transform yourself and be successful, it's all about changing your mindset. For more deep thoughts, find Julie's book online...and tell 'em Jon & Mary sent ya.Jim from Wisconsin Tourism gave us a look at the hot spots around the state.What's new at the movies? Try 17 Again, State of Play, and Crank: High Voltage. Tony Meade gave us a rundown as he does every Friday. Listings and showtimes as always online at
It's hell being Mel...Weekend Buzz got us around the South Valley's hotspots once again, as it does every Thursday morning. We chatted with Jeanne Wagner from The Paine Art Center and got the full scoop on the weekend activities in the Family Discovery Gallery.Spiced is the new book from author and pastry chef Dalia Jurgensen. Daila details what really goes on in the kitchens of our favorite restaurants. Check her website for more insider details...if you dare.Brian Carter joined us talking seafood options for the grill this weekend.K107.1 relationship expert Bob Bucicchio gave us tips on how to survive a breakup. You'll find Bob on our experts page, just click "What's On" at you know Webby Awards season has arrived once again? The Webbys will be awarded on June 8th, and your vote is needed. Executive director of The Webby Awards, David Davies gave us the scoop on the 2009 nominees...which unfortunately do NOT include Jon & Mary's blog.
Ah, the traditional IRS holiday is upon us. Across the country, families are sitting down to a feast of receipts, deductions and "honey...what was the value on that bag of old underwear we dropped off at the Goodwill??" Jon & Mary's accountant has had a rough go of it so far. Let's hope he doesn't do anything crazy.In the afterglow of The Masters, author Ian O'Connor joined us to talk about his new book, Arnie & Jack: Palmer, Nicklaus and Golf's Greatest Rivalry. Check out Ian's work at or at his website.Dr. Feelgood stopped by to talk allergies and colds. How to tell if you've got one or the other? The good doctor is always here to help. Go to for office hours.Young at Heart returns to the Children's Museum of Fond du Lac. Jump in the DeLorean and travel "Back to the 80s" at this year's event on Saturday, April 25.Weight Watchers and the President's Council on Physical Fitness have teamed up to get America moving. Jenny Hadfield from gave us the scoop on the Momentum Walk-It Challenge that kicked off on April 12th. Take the first step toward a healthier and happier lifestyle today!Our K107.1 bridal expert Sharon Naylor gave us a look at something called wedding insurance. What is it? Do you need it? Sharon's website has the answer and more resources for brides & grooms to be.
Celebrating 10 years at Bikini Bottom, our pal SpongeBob SquarePants gets a special visit from Johnny Depp this Friday. Johnny plays an ultra-cool surfer dude, and this is the best picture we could find. Enjoy!Author Ramit Sethi came to our economic rescue with his new book, I Will Teach You To Be Rich. A pretty straightforward title with a simple premise. Ramit has an interactive website with tools to use with the book and a path to financial freedom in six weeks (or less).Dream expert Lauri Loewenberg made her monthly visit and helped interpret all those crazy dreams/nightmares we've been having. Now if she could only help Jon change the sheets on his bed...The Immortality Factor is the latest novel from Dr. Ben Bova. Called "a mix of science, politics and family struggle," you'll find it online at
Note to self: make sure your Easter eggs are boiled BEFORE you dye them. Not that they ain't still tasty, but they sure do look weird.Dr. Maoshing Ni (a.k.a. "Dr. Wow" from Sex & The City) talked Second Spring, his new book about staying youthful inside and out. Dr. Mao's website has more tips and natural secrets for women of any age. Former E! host Michael Essany chatted about his new book, Groomology. Michael's main purpose is to help men everywhere maintain just a tiny shred of dignity, especially in the presence of the all-powerful Bridezilla.The market has never been better to get set for summer and look into buying a vacation home for your own use or to rent to others. That's according to Christine Karpinski, the author of How to Rent Vacation Properties by Owner. Check out Christine's website for FAQ and the best places to buy around the country. Smack down your sugar jones with help from The Vitamin Professor, Doug Ingoldsby. The prof recommends ditching the Easter basket and finding better ways to boost our energy. Click on for more.
We're hitting another milestone birthday today (following yesterday's stunning news that Rudy Huxtable was turning 30), as Haley Joel Osment turns 21!!! Hey kid, you thought you saw dead people before, wait until you've done your 10th shot of Jagermeister in less than an hour....Handwriting expert (or graphologist, to you eggheads) Ruth Brayer talked about what can be determined about people based on the way they write. Ruth's website has more resources and a chance to pick up her book, Detecting Forgery in Fraud Investigations.Jim filled Valerie's shoes and gave us a look around the state with Travel Wisconsin. Who knew that Jim and Valerie wore the same size?A man who's really in touch with his meat always makes a good guest, so it was no surprise when Tom Super whipped out the fun and filled us up with facts about our favorite treats. Tom works with both the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council and the American Meat Institute and so you know he has a firm grasp on the topic.Tony Meade made his Friday visit to talk new movies, including Hannah Montana: The Movie, Observe & Report, and Dragonball Evolution. Find movie showtimes online at
It's the big 3-0 for Rudy Huxtable today. This news comes right behind Webster's recent 38th birthday on the List of Things That Make You Feel Old.Weekend Buzz is always a treat, especially the part where we chat with Jessica Palm from The Paine Art Center. As always, you can also find a full list of local events at the K107.1 Horicon Bank Community Calendar. The Simpsons stamps were just unveiled by the US Postal Service! Happy days, indeed. Tons of fun online with the USPS, including a chance to vote for your favorite.One of Jon's favorite authors, Neil Strauss talked about his latest best-seller, Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life. Neil's website has more about this book as well as tales from his previous adventures with Jenna Jameson and Motley Crue. Brian Carter from Fond du Lac Seafood helped us put a wrap on the Lenten season. Still a chance to find your favorites online or call 517-TUNA.Jill Cordes from HGTV stopped by to get us spruced up for spring! The lovely Jill has tips for saving money inside at outside your home at her website, or go to
Hugh Hefner celebrated his 83rd birthday over the weekend in Las Vegas. Who among us hasn't felt like napping during our birthday parties? Especially surrounded by bunnies of all shapes and sizes? I mean, c'mon.The Singing CPA joined us and gave us a look at this year's tax rules and deductions, all to a catchy melody. Steven Zelin is in his fifth year of odes to the IRS, and is online at Check out a great event coming to our area on Saturday, April 18th...Good Grief - Walking a Healthy Journey welcomes keynote speaker Paul Alexander to Appleton North H.S. with a message of hope. The event is FREE, but pre-registration is encouraged at Matt Whitfield from Yahoo! TV and omg! talked American Idol and told us that Wisconsin is among the top Idol-loving states in the U.S. As season 8 heats up, follow all the action online at Fitness expert Jay Robb returned to the show with his new book, The 6-Pack Diet Plan. Find details, books and more at
It's Opening Day for your 2008 Wild Card Champs, as the Crew gets down to business this afternoon in San Francisco (what a treat!). Don't forget your chance to win Brewers tickets through the month of April with K107.1...just go to for the details.Author Suzanne Braun Levine claims Fifty is the New Fifty in her latest book. Besides being good at math, Suzanne presents life lessons for women in their "second adulthood." You'll find Suzanne online at in time for The Masters, Mark Frost is out with a new look at a unique round of golf pitting legends Byron Nelson and Ben Hogan against a pair of amateurs. The Match: The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever is now in stores and online at Our K107.1 beauty expert Jackie Silver gave us tips on spring cleaning -- for our looks as well as our closets. Find more from Jackie at her website,
H to the Izz-o...V to the Izz-a...Our K107.1 Fitness Guru, Lynn from Club Olympia stopped by to get us re-focused on our long- and short-term goals. Lynn has classes for all interests and fitness levels, just click on for details.Author Bruce Hood gave us the rundown on his new book, SuperSense: Why We Believe the Unbelievable. For more on Bruce, including a video of the author talking SuperSense, visit Martosko is the research director at the Center for Consumer Freedom, now in a battle against the "hypocritical" treatment of animals by PETA. Go to to see documents and decide for yourself.
We were trolling through our show prep for this morning and came across a picture of actress Andrea Barber. You may remember her as DJ's friend Kimmy on Full House? According to our sources, she's now 32 and lookin' pretty good. Way to go, Gibbler!Scott Mercer is a Rubik's Cube expert and the author of You CAN do the Cube! According to Scott, unlocking the secret of the Cube is not only fun, but educational for kids of all ages. Find details and diagrams at from Wisconsin Tourism gave us another look at the hot spots around the state for a cooool April weekend. If you missed a detail or just need an idea, visit Master thespian Tony Meade was our final guest and told us what's new at the movies. Fast & Furious reunites that classic acting team of Vin Diesel and Paul Walker and opens today. Movies and showtimes always online at
Welcome to the first official day of April (yesterday doesn't count because we thought someone was trying to fool us into thinking it was April already). Let's celebrate along with Britney and her new ad campaign as the Candies girl -- available exclusively at Kohl's. Sign us up for that!Weekend Buzz got us another visit from Jeanne Wagner at The Paine Art Center. Check out what's happening at the Family Discovery Gallery this weekend by clicking Today is World Autism Day and Leeann Whiffen joined us to talk about her new book, A Child's Journey Out of Autism. Find more on the topic, the book, and the author at K107.1 Life Coach Mary T. Browne told us why more and more people are turning to psychics during this economic crisis. Is a reading the answer? Mary can provide one for you. Get details at A firefighter with high cholesterol? Say it ain't so! Rip Esselstyn is the man who survived to tell his life-threatening tale, and developed a new eating plan to go with it. The Engine 2 Diet provides a 28-day plan to health and wellness. Get it online at
A day of celebration is upon us. A day of shocking dad with the hand buzzer, shaming grandma with the whoopie cushion, scaring mom with the bloody thumb. Enjoy!Drs. Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman are the authors of The Hourglass Solution: A Boomer's Guide to the Rest of Your Life. Dr. Johnson shared with us four ways to rethink the current economy. It's a call to action! Check out for more.Our petspert, Dr. Ann Sosalla talked doggie dentistry. Be sure to use that liver-flavored floss at least once a day! Mmmmmm...liver.... Find Dr. Ann online at
Political analyst Sean Foreman took a look at GM, Afganistan, and various stimulating bailouts. Dr. Foreman is a professor at Barry University and you'll find him online at a 13-year major league career, including a World Series title with the NY Mets in 1986, Ron Darling retired to the broadcast booth. Catch him on TBS this season and pick up his new book, The Complete Game: Reflections on Baseball, Pitching, and Life on the Mound. Pick it up at the usual hotspots, including