- We handed out a handful of our remaining wristbands and parking passes for EAA's AirVenture. The flying fun goes through the rest of the weekend in Oshkosh.
-Mary was crowned the champion in the Jon and Mary Signature Pizza Challenge with Nick n' Willy's on East Johnson Street in Fond du Lac. Mary was able to sneak past Jon by just two pizzas before it was all said and done.
- James Bassil gave us the low down on AskMen.com's annual "The Great Male Survey." This year, they teamed up with Cosmopolitan to compare the differences between men and women beyond the obvious biological ones... Get your head out of the gutter!
- We made our final winner during "It's All in the Details" with My Custom Shop on North Main Street in Fond du Lac, giving away a $200 custom detailing package.
- Tony Meade dropped by from the Fond du Lac Theater to give us the low-down on new movies opening up today. You can check out "Dinner For Schmucks" with Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd or Zac Efron's departure from Disney in "Charlie St. Cloud."