Professional bartender (?) Ray Foley stopped by to give us the rundown on how to make the most of our final month of summer, and the best way to liven up our Labor Day. Ray is the man behind Bartender Magazine, so you know he knows his way around an olive. Check out his new book, The Best Summer Drinks, now in stores.
The 5th annual Midwest Music Acoustic Music Festival kicks off tomorrow in Elkhart Lake. Shannon Brunet had all the details on another great line-up. Our favorite part of the festival is the fact that it's a FREE way to get out and shake your groove thang.
Maybe you've heard the job market ain't so hot these days? Enter career expert Dan Burns, author of The First 60 Seconds: Win the Job Interview Before it Even Begins. Dan gave us a leg up in the job search and tips on what not to do when you land that big interview.
Tony Meade was our final guest this morning talking new releases at your local cineplex. The pick here is to see Julie & Julia, starring the lovely Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. If you're into the non-cooking-heavy-artillery mood, GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra is also in theaters, along with The Perfect Getaway.
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