Dr. Jeff Junig joined us in the studio to discuss post-partum depression...in men. It seems new dads are just as susceptible to feeling down after the birth of a child as new moms are. The symptoms may differ, but the pain is just as real. See Dr. J in downtown Fond du Lac or online at fdlpsychiatry.com.
Our Brew Crew Blowout continues, making winners all week to see the Brewers take on the New York Mets this weekend at Miller Park. Listen tomorrow morning for your next chance to win a 4-pack of tickets.
Called a "modern day mystic and visionary," author Chanson Duvall chatted about his latest novel, Our Lady of Dreams: A Prophesy for the New Age. Follow the trail as a woman tries to find out who murdered her long-lost brother, and the only clues lead to a cult and tell the future of mankind (cue scary music). The book is now in stores.
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