Speaking of which, the manic Gary Busey joined us this morning to talk head injuries and his breakout season on Celebrity Apprentice. Unfortunately, Gary managed to stay mostly sane for the entire interview. Such a drag.
The shocking and untold story of Joseph Stalin's ethnic cleansing during WWII is the topic of Ruta Sepetys' debut novel, Between Shades of Gray. Ruta told us how she crafted the tale, as seen through the eyes of a 15-year-old Lithuanian girl.
NY Times bestselling author Regina Leeds chatted bundles of joy and her new book, One Year to an Organized Life with Baby. A week-by-week guide to getting ready for baby and keeping your family organized is now in stores.
Finally something for the guys as Maxim Magazine's Patrick Carone joined us with a spring style survival guide. Pick up the latest fashion trends, grooming gadgets, hair essentials...and brace yourself for the flood of women at your door.
Into the weekend with a look at what's new in theaters. Angry teen girls make their mark in Sucker Punch, and nerds rule in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. As always, a full list of local movies and showtimes is online at k107.com.
Follow Jon & Mary on Twitter! @carson1071.
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