We all know Noah Webster is the man behind the first dictionary (don't we?), but did you know he was also obsessed with the creation of an American culture? Joshua Kendall joined us with a look back at The Forgotten Founding Father.
We're kicking off "If the Shoe Fits" with Rogan's Shoes this Monday morning -- your chance to win a $75 Rogan's gift card! Listen as we style and profile a new pair of men's and women's shoes every week and see if the shoe fits! Clever, no?
It's off into another movie-filled weekend, with a few new selections in theaters. The birds go wild in Rio, the killer is back in Scream 4, and Abraham Lincoln is shot (spoiler alert) in The Conspirator. Click over to k107.com for a full list of local movies and showtimes.
Follow Jon & Mary on Twitter! @carson1071.
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