Political science professor Sean Foreman stopped by to chat about the future plans of good ol' George W. once he leaves office. A possible bar-b-que business venture with dad and brother? "The Burning Bushes"? Time will tell. Dr. Foreman hosts a radio show of his own, and if you'd like to check it out...click on www.barry.edu/radiostation.
Earlier in the show, we discussed our K107.1 Marcus Movie of the Week -- Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Listen for your chance to win tickets all this week and go to http://www.k107.com/ for shows and showtimes.
Dr. Robert Schwalbe has written a book for male baby boomers called "Sixty, Sexy and Successful." (I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad, sez Jon.) His website is easy: http://www.sixtysexyandsuccessful.com/.
An intense American Idol discussion followed, mainly focused on the Bikini Girl in last night's season premiere. Believe it or not, she already has internet stalkers...type Katrina Darnell into Google and see what you come up with.
Our final guest this morning talked about the upcoming Barack Obama presidency and whether integrity can be returned to the office. Dr. David Gruder is known as America's Integrity Expert. Visit his website at www.thenewIQ.com.
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