As SBXLIII draws near, time is running out to make your prediction to Beat the K-Crew and win 107 smackers. Go to www.k107.com and click the link for all the details.
Speaking of BIG HUGE football games, we're also ready for all the BIG HUGE commericals that come along with it. Not so fast says Mark Stevens. Our first guest this morning actually says that Super Bowl ads are stupid and not worth the time and money spent on them. Agree? Disagree? Let Mark know about it at his website, www.youmarketingsucks.com.
Sir Ken Robinson is the author of The Element and he stopped by to fill us in on that passion that dwells inside all of us. Find the passion, he says, and change everything. Ken's website for more info is www.theelementbook.com.
Our last guest this morning revealed the medicines that heal, and those that kill (cue ominous music). Richard Lentz is the CEO of Seagate Products and can be reached at www.seagateproducts.com or at 1-888-505-4283.
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