Weekend Buzz took us allllllll the way around the South Valley to find what's up this weekend. Click on the Zen Body Salon Community Calendar at k107.com for a full listing of the early holiday fun in your neighborhood.
Psychoanalyst Darian Leader joined us to talk about his latest book, The New Black: Mourning, Melancholia and Depression. How does society shift our focus when it comes to getting over our sadness and what is a better solution? (step one: stop listening to Jon & Mary in the Morning and our depressing guests)
The folks at American Heritage Dictionaries have come out with their latest list, 100 Words for Foodies. Steve Kleinedler gave us the inside scoop on how to blanch, what's in haggis, where the word ketchup comes from and more.
K107.1 Lifestyle Diva Jerusha Stewart had tips on avoiding the drama of Black Friday, re-using those Thanksgiving leftovers, possibly finding love in time for the holidays(?!?). Click on Jerusha's website here, and find some of those early Black Friday sales here and here.
Our final guest was the former host of the FX series Personal FX, John Burke. John shared his secrets for getting your home 'Holiday Ready,' including his favorite new product, the Black & Decker FLEX (shameless plug).
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